About This Book

* The best book ever written on this subject
* 100% practical, realistic, step-by-step guide
* Applicable to UK, US or anywhere else
* This information would take you YEARS to acquire!

You don’t want to read pages of hype and sales talk, and I don’t want to write them. So let’s cut to the chase. There are many secrets in magic, but the most elusive one of all is this:

How do you actually make money from it?!!

Well, now you have all the answers. ‘Making Money From Magic’ is simply the best book ever written on how to take your interest in magic or mentalism and make money from it. Good money. Enough money to quit your day job if you want. Enough money to live on, even if you have a family to raise.

That’s it! That’s the deal with this book. If you are interested in making money from magic, this book shows you how to do it. If you have ever considered quitting your job, escaping the ‘rat race’ and earning a living from magic/mentalism instead, this book shows you how.

Drew McAdam tells you exactly what to do, step by simple step. The whole book is beautifully written, crystal-clear and 100% practical.

Within the first MONTH of this book going on sale, it was purchased by customers in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, England, Hungary, Ireland, Japan, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, the US and Wales. In the United States alone copies have gone to customers in Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Philadelphia and Virginia!

So What’s In The Book?

In short, absolutely everything you need to know.

How to get started with next to nothing.
The two Golden Rules you must know if you want to succeeed.
What you need to understand about audiences.
How to get FREE press and publicity!
How to get work all year round!
How to prepare for every show.
How to keep them coming back for more.
How to decide what to charge.

And much more besides. Drew McAdam is a brilliant thinker and writer, and he explains every single step with admirable clarity. The book is packed with detailed, practical and easy-to-follow information. It could take you a lifetime to amass all the information in this book.

Typical questions

Does this involve investing lots of money up-front? No! You can start with next to nothing. Drew did!

Is it just for magicians in the UK, or the US? No. It doesn’t matter where you live. If you live in a country where there is at least one professional magician, then you will be able to use the information in this book. 

Does it involve paying for lots of advertising to try and get work? No! Drew has never paid a penny for advertising. He gets all the publicity he wants for free, and in this book he tells you how to do the same.

Don’t I need to be based in a large, busy city to get enough work? No! Drew lives in a small Scottish village so small it doesn’t even feature on some local maps! Yet he earns enough money to live on, and to raise his family. Where you live is pretty much irrelevant.

Don’t I need to be a really superb magician before I can take the plunge and work professionally? You need to be good enough, so that you are a credit to yourself and to magic. But let’s be clear. This does not mean you have to be a brilliant sleight-of-hand artist, or practise six hours a day, or have a repertoire of ‘killer’ top-flight original tricks and routines. When Drew  started out, most of his mentalism routines came straight from Corinda because that’s all he knew!

This book will explain how to devise the right repertoire, how to present yourself correctly, and how to connect with audiences and entertain them successfully. Drew cheerfully admits that you may well be a better, more skilled or more talented magician than he is!

Does this book teach any tricks or routines? No. The book only mentions a few tricks and methods in passing. There are already thousands of books full of tricks. This book is not about teaching you more tricks. It’s about how to take the tricks you know and earn good money from them. Oh, and enjoy yourself at the same time!

Is this book mainly for magicians or mentalists? It’s for anyone who is a reasonably capable magician or mentalist – or escapologist – and who wants to know how to earn good money. Drew himself tends to specialise in mentalism, but this is most definitely not just a book for mentalists.

Cost? Twenty pounds – that’s £20. Pretty reasonable, huh?

Drew’s Story

Not so long ago, Drew McAdam was just one of thousands of amateur magicians who ‘dabble’ in magic. He maybe did a few tricks for friends at parties, but that was about it. Then he decided on a change in direction…

Today he is Scotland’s most successful and most in-demand full-time professional mentalist and entertainer. He works all over the UK as well as overseas, and the gigs just keep coming! In fact, Drew often has to turn work down because he just can’t handle all the work he gets offered! He also has regular spots on Radio and TV – he is TV’s “Interrogator” on the popular daytime chat show “Trisha”. He was also the presenter and subject of the BBC “School for Genius” series.

He has, literally, hundreds of newspaper and magazine clippings.

Now it’s your turn! You can do it too! Seriously. Take your dream, and make it your reality. Drew will show you how, every step of the way.

This is the book that countless keen magicians and mind-readers have been waiting for. The one that unlocks one of the biggest and best-kept secrets in magic… how to actually make good money at it! And it simply could not be better-written, or better explained. Drew has done a fantastic job on this book, and it would be fair if I charged twice the price for it.

Ian Rowland (on first edition 2004) Slightly amended.

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